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Into Learning The Breathtaking Chemistry The Most Of The World


3. The latest heaviest element

California in January 1991, Lawrence livermore Moore national laboratory and dubna, Russia's nuclear scientists who study union college, that found the heaviest elements may be the world's newest ð « “ § 1 elements The element contains 114 protons and is said to be more stable than other superheavy atoms. The element is produced when calcium isotopes bombard neutron-rich plutonium isotopes.

4. The most acidic solution

Strong acid and base solutions tend to have Ph values of 0 and 14 respectively, but it is far from sufficient to use this value as a standard for describing "strong acids". The strongest of the strong acids is the fluoric acid with 80% solution of antimony fluoride 5. The acidity of this acidic solution has not been determined, but even the slightly weaker solution of 50% solution is 1018 times more acidic than the concentrated sulfuric acid solution.