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Preparation Technology Of Carbon Molecular Sieve


The preparation of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) involves the carbonization of organic precursors followed by activation processes to create a porous structure. The choice of precursor and the specific manufacturing conditions play a crucial role in determining the properties of the resulting CMS. Here is a general overview of the preparation process:

Selection of Precursor:

The precursor material is a carbon-rich substance that will be transformed into the carbon molecular sieve. Common precursors include polymeric resins, such as phenolic resins, or natural carbon-rich sources like coconut shells, coal, or petroleum coke.
Polymerization or Cross-Linking (if using a polymer precursor):

In the case of polymeric precursors, the first step involves the polymerization or cross-linking of the precursor molecules. This step provides a stable structure that will later be carbonized.

The precursor material is subjected to high temperatures in an inert atmosphere or vacuum, typically ranging from 600 to 1000 degrees Celsius. During this carbonization process, volatile components are driven off, leaving behind a carbon-rich structure.

The carbonized material may undergo an activation process to create the desired porous structure. Activation involves exposing the material to an activating agent, such as steam or carbon dioxide, at elevated temperatures. This process helps open up micropores and mesopores in the carbon structure, enhancing its adsorption capabilities.
Cooling and Final Treatment:

After activation, the material is cooled and may undergo additional treatments to improve its performance. This could include washing, acid treatment, or other steps to remove impurities and optimize the properties of the carbon molecular sieve.
Particle Size and Formulation:

The resulting CMS may be ground into a powder or formed into specific shapes depending on the intended application. The particle size and formulation can be tailored to achieve optimal performance in gas separation or other targeted applications.
It's important to note that the specific details of the preparation process can vary based on the desired properties of the carbon molecular sieve and the intended applications. Researchers and manufacturers may experiment with different precursor materials, carbonization temperatures, activation methods, and additional treatments to achieve the desired pore structure and adsorption characteristics. The goal is to create a carbon molecular sieve with a well-defined and controlled porous network that allows for selective gas adsorption and separation.