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Borneol Flakes
Borneol Flakes
Borneol Flakes

Borneol Flakes

Bornol, which is also called carborneol, orange slice, wormwood slice, bornol, plum borneol, carborneol, plum borneol, plum ice, etc., is obtained by steam distillation and recrystallized from the stems and leaves of Compositae ainae or the branches and leaves of Camphor.
The synthesis of bornol is made by using α-pinene in turpentine oil and dehydrated oxalic acid as raw materials, which is condensed into bornyl oxalate through catalysis, and then saponified by caustic soda. It contains uncontrollable byproducts such as isornyl and camphor, which are racemic

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Product Features::

Borneol is colorless transparent or white translucent flake brittle crystal; Gas fragrance, Xin Xin, cool; It is volatile, sublimates easily, ignites smoke, and has a flame with light. Borneol is readily soluble in ethanol, chloroform, gasoline, or ether, and almost insoluble in water. Dextrornyl has a melting point of 208℃ and a boiling point of 212℃, while dextrornyl has a melting point of 204℃ and a boiling point of 210℃.

Product Parameters:


white needlelike crystals

Melting point:


Borneol content:


Non-volatile matter (%):


Moisture content:

clear in petroleum ether

Acid-base scale:


As salt (ppm):

< 2

Heavy metal (ppm):

< 5

Packing  in:

25kg paper drums net each.

HS code:


Shelf Life:



white needlelike crystals

Melting point:


The use:

Borneol taste bitter, mild cold; Heart, liver, lung meridian; It has the effect of clearing heat and dispersing poison, and clearing eyes and removing pall. It is used to treat fever and high heat and dizziness, stroke and phlegm and convulsion, heat dampness and clearing the orifice, throat obstruction and deafness, mouth sore and swollen teeth, sore carbuncle and malnutrition, eye red and swollen pain, pall obscuring eyes. Where phlegm fire stasis, throat bi sound hoarse, or hot obstructed, mouth sore teeth swelling, borneol and cinnabar, borax, Xuanming powder with blowing the affected area, to disperse fire detoxification. Heat closed god dizzy, borneol can be with musk, bezoar, coptis coptidis, Yu Jin and other compatible, in order to clear heat and open the orifice. Borneol can be mixed with calamine, hyalamine powder and borax for the pterygium.

Storage condition:

Easily oxidized, low toxic, irritating and allergic;Cool and dry, sealed to block light

Application and After-Sales Service:

Attached is a safety technical specification