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Borneol, and card brain, orange slices, moxa tablets and so on. It is obtained by water distillation and recrystallization of the stems and leaves of Compositae or camphor.Here is an overview of some of the basic characteristics and uses of borneol: Chemical properties:


1.volatile, easy to sublimate, smoke occurs when ignited, and there is a flame with light

2. State: Borneol is colorless transparent or white translucent flake brittle crystal, fragrant, spicy and cool

Application field:
Borneol is a kind of Chinese herbal medicine that people are very familiar with in life, mainly used in high-end proprietary Chinese medicine, high-end cosmeceuticals, beauty, daily chemical and other industries.
1: Pharmaceutical industry: It has the effect of awakening, clearing heat and relieving pain
2: Chemical raw materials: synthetic borneol is used in the production of various chemicals, including polystyrene
3: Industrial manufacturing: oil industry, manufacturing, agricultural products, etc